During the Week of Circular Economy, this remarkable pedestrian bridge, crafted from reclaimed timber and ingeniously designed and constructed by the talented students of the Archineering minor at TU Delft, has been reassembled in Haarlem, showcasing sustainable exchange through circular timber design. It is now open for visits by the NME (Natuur- en Milieu Educatie) department of the municipality of Haarlem. Alongside, a small exhibition showcasing various bridge designs is also on display. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to witness sustainable innovation in action!
The Week of Circular Economy runs from March 11th to March 15th, 2024.

Construction of Initial Bridge Parts at TU Delft: Take a behind-the-scenes look at the TU Delft campus as students construct the initial parts of the Capable Bridge. Witness the teamwork and precision as the bridge begins to take shape piece by piece. These images capture the hands-on process of building the foundation for this innovative architectural feat.

Exhibition Space Showcasing Design Ideas: View the diverse design ideas and models created by TU Delft students during the selection process for the Capable Bridge. Teams worked together to propose various concepts, from which two prototypes were chosen. Explore the evolution of these ideas before the final bridge design was selected.

Bridge Assembly Process: Get an inside look at how the Capable Bridge was assembled on-site in Haarlem. The bridge was ingeniously divided into three sections for easy transportation and reassembly. Follow along as the pieces are put back together, showcasing the practical construction approach used by the students.

Construction Details: Dive into the intricate details of the Capable Bridge with close-up shots of wood joints and handrail cables. Explore the craftsmanship and attention to detail that went into creating this sustainable structure. These images showcase the blend of functionality and aesthetics, highlighting the innovative design elements incorporated by the students.

Special thanks go to the NME for their invaluable support throughout this project. Additionally, heartfelt gratitude is extended to Joost Pothast for his enthusiasm and initiative, as well as to Santiago Reinel from Ssse OvO architecture office for their invaluable support and assistance in the exhibition and assembly process.