How can the built environment become a force for ecological regeneration? In Regenerative by Design, David Cheshire explores practical strategies for designing buildings and cities that contribute positively to their surroundings. The book offers actionable insights for professionals looking to create net-positive impacts.
Category: Articles & Other Literature on the Topic
Regenerative Structural Design | Oliver Broadbent & James Norman
How can structural design move beyond sustainability to regeneration? In Regenerative Structural Design, Oliver Broadbent and James Norman explore approaches that integrate ecological systems and material efficiency into the design process. This book challenges conventional practices, proposing strategies for structures that contribute positively to their environment.
Flourish. Design Paradigms for our planetary emergency. Sarah Ichioka & Michael Pawlyn
How can design adapt to meet the challenges of a changing planet? In Flourish: Design Paradigms for Our Planetary Emergency, Sarah Ichioka and Michael Pawlyn propose a shift toward regenerative and nature-inspired practices. This book offers a framework for rethinking architecture and urban planning in alignment with ecological principles.
Building with wood n. 2 | LignoAlp
A new brochure with images of current references and more
Brettsperrholz Merkblatt |
Tragende Bauteile aus Brettsperrholz (BSP oder X-Lam) sind statisch berechnete und sorgfältig hergestellte, hochwertige Konstruktionselemente aus einem vergüteten Werkstoff. Sie … More
Bij het beheer van bossen is vakkennis onontbeerlijk. Ingrepen van een bosbeheerder kunnen decennia lang doorwerken in het bos. Vakkennis … More
neue Holzbau AG_Top of wood
Hochleistung im Holzbau Die neue Holzbau AG ist eine Spezialistin imIngenieurholzbau. Wir sind Partner und Bindeglied zwischen dem konstruktiven Holzbau, … More
Zuschnitt – Zeitschrift über Holz als Werkstoff und Werke in Holz wird seit 2001 von proHolz Austria mit vier Nummern … More
Carbon-based Design | LEVS Architecten
The climate goals are clear: CO₂ reduction. We can demonstrably put that into practice with carbon-based design. Designers and builders … More
SUPERB to promote forest restoration and adaptation across Europe | Article
Article found on EFI, European Forest Insitute to launch a four-year project with 36 science and practice partners in Europe … More
Mono-material Wood Wall
Novel building envelope using subtractive manufacturing of timber profiles to improve thermal performance and airtightness of solid wood construction The … More
dRMM | Treelogy Text and Treeptych Drawing
In a three-part essay, dRMM studio discusses the roles of tree and timber construction in our ecosystem and environment. Developed … More
Discussing Timber Myths: a dialogue between our ambitions and the facts | AMS Institute
Timber building consumer perception in the Netherlands A very recent, large consumer survey in the Netherlands came to similar results … More
10 myths about net-zero targets and carbon offsetting, busted | Article
Initiated by the Researchers Desk and written by 41 authors, all of which have a background in research or education … More
The Passive Solar Primer | David Wright
Publication by David Wright, AIA compiling all necessary features for a climate-conscious building. To be utilized as a starting point … More