Student Workshop

Through specific assignments, students will assemble a toolbox of architectural instruments and methods in order to conceive and design their own wood construction. The analysis will be carried out in groups through a study of precedents, focused on the use of specific instruments and methods. The design will be carried out during small group studio sessions.

The following themes will be addressed:

· Material and physical properties of wood

· Wood construction culture and typologies

· Circular and sustainable design

· Joinery culture and craftsmanship

· Digital design and robotic fabrication

Workshop Structure: 

The workshop consists of two main blocks [ANALYZE+MAKE] scheduled from 13 to 24 September 2021. Sessions during the first week will focus on creative analysis of an assigned building from the case-study list. In the second week students will apply this analysis through a 1:1 or 1:2 or 1:5 wood construction/fabric in-person with the respective universities. Open table discussions occur once a day throughout the workshop in small groups to share the progress of the analysis and/or the prototype. The workshop will conclude in the last week with final presentations on Thursday+Friday and compiling a workshop booklet on Friday.

Student work will be shared on the website at the completion of the event.